Becoming a Windows maintainer

Jean-Baptiste Mardelle jb at
Tue Mar 20 08:03:00 UTC 2018

On 18.03.2018 18:09, Eugen Mohr wrote:
> Hallo Kdenlive team
> Just saw the link on "Kdenlive Café #27 and #28 – You can’t miss it"
> Like Jeff, I would like to become a Windows maintainer as well. Where 
> can I find information on becoming a Windows maintainer?
Hello Eugen,

I don't know if you already got a private answer but if possible it 
would be great if you can attend our Café tonight at 21pm (CET time) so 
we can discuss this topic.

You can meet us in the #kdenlive channel on

Best regards

> My NikName on the Forum is Merlimau.
> Merlimau (Eugen Mohr)

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