Quest for a Working AppImage...

Jean-Baptiste Mardelle jb at
Sun Mar 18 16:07:09 UTC 2018

On Friday, March 16, 2018 7:41:22 PM CET, Harald Albrecht wrote:
> So, the 17.08.3 AppImage doesn't eat memory like mad, but then 
> it does not load pngs; neither ones created with gimp, nor 
> inkscape, nor its own extracted png frames.
> Someone an idea of a working Kdenlive AppImage version to try 
> that doesn't eat memory and does load pngs, especially its 
> own...??

Hello Harald,

As Vincent pointed out, there was a recent report and fix for memory usage 
in MLT. I am currently uploading an AppImage using the MLT from git and 
Kdenlive's latest git master code (that will become 18.04) that does not 
contain the refactoring code.

So this should be the best of the stable code we have. Pngs work fine in my 
tests and memory usage should be under control. Feedback is welcome.

AppImage is  here:

For those interested in testing, I have also uploaded the latest 
refactoring AppImage:

I am also in contact with the KDE sysadmins to automate the AppImage 
creation which should hopefully improve the overall quality and frequence 
of the builds.


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