Custom build has effects missing (and named strangely)

Jean-Baptiste Mardelle jb at
Sun Mar 18 13:48:33 UTC 2018

On Sunday, March 18, 2018 12:35:50 PM CET, Johannes Bauer wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm trying to get a custom kdenlive build to work. After
> wouldn't work for me anymore
> ( I decided to build
> my own kdenlive build script (
> With it, I'm able to successfully create a kdenlive build (and all
> dependencies that also builds). However, while the
> final version works, the effects are somehow messed up:
> - When I right-click a video snippet that I pulled in the timeline, the
> "Effects" submenu is empty.
> - When I load an old kdenlive file in which I've used the pan/zoom
> effect, kdenlive complains upon loading: "Effect affine:pan_zoom not
> found in MLT, it was removed from this project" -- in fact it complains
> about a lot of other missing filters as well (see [1]).
> - The names of the effects in the effect stack seem to be "raw"
> identifiers (e.g., "Zoompan" instead of "Zoom and Pan" or similar).
> - When I try to apply "Zoompan" to a clip, it doesn't have any settings
> that I could modify.
> I'm pretty certain that I'm almost able to create a fully working build,
> but haven't been able to figure out why this happens. Any help would be
> greatly appreciated.

Hello Johannes,

Kdenlive effects are described in xml files. The problem you describe 
clearly means that Kdenlive cannot find the xml files. Did you install your 
custom Kdenlive build ? It probably requires to be installed in /usr to 
properly find the xml files.

Hope it helps,


> Thank you very much,
> Johannes
> [1] Example:
> Effect volume:normalise not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:fadein not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:fadeout not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:gain not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:fadein not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:fadeout not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:gain not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:gain not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:gain not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:gain not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:gain not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:gain not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:gain not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect volume:gain not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect affine:pan_zoom not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect affine:pan_zoom not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect affine:pan_zoom not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect affine:pan_zoom not found in MLT, it was removed from this project
> Effect frei0r.brightness:frei0r.brightness not found in MLT, it was
> removed from this project
> Effect frei0r.brightness:frei0r.brightness not found in MLT, it was
> removed from this project
> Effect brightness:fade_from_black not found in MLT, it was removed from
> this project
> Effect brightness:fade_to_black not found in MLT, it was removed from
> this project
> Effect brightness:fade_to_black not found in MLT, it was removed from
> this project
> Effect brightness:fade_from_black not found in MLT, it was removed from
> this project
> Removed invalid transition: transition37
> Removed invalid transition: transition36
> Removed invalid transition: transition35
> Removed invalid transition: transition34
> Removed invalid transition: transition33

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