Contributing to Kdenlive

Steve Brodie stevebrodie at
Wed Aug 22 16:40:58 BST 2018

Hi John,
I don't know but reading Eugen's email I get the impression that if you 
can use 48kHz audio this problem will go away-but I may be mistaken! 
Also, if it is a problem with FFMPEG then we are looking for a work 
around in Kdenlive rather than a solution. So, if I'm correct about 48k 
audio, then my suggestions would be...

· Can you acquire your audio in 48kHz in the future?

· If not can you use the 'Extract Audio' command in Kdenlive (right 
click on file in Project bin > Extract Audio>Wav 48000Hz ?

· For your current project that might not be a practical solution as 
you will have to replace all your edited audio on the timeline. So 
maybe your best option would be to use the Render > Stem Audio Export, 
and then create a 48kHz audio mix in Audacity or Ardour, then bring 
this back into your Kdenlive project, turn off all the old audio tracks 
and re-export with the new 48kHz audio file.

I hope something there might help!

Best wishes,


On Wed, 22 Aug, 2018 at 2:31 PM, johnar1 <johnar1 at> wrote:
> Do you guys have any idea how I can keep exporting the video at 59FPS 
> and still solve the audio/out of synch issue Eugen spoke of?

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