how to sync all clips to global timecode signal aka freerun timecode?

DogFilm videobrain at
Fri Feb 3 12:01:59 UTC 2017

why not add tensowflow or any other machine learning tool-chain into the
game to analyze the filmed clock and to sync that material based on that
signal generated by artificial intelligence? SCNR.

no, seriously, you do not have to film a clock. There is already a timecode
signal in every video you create and most camera systems allow you to set
your cam to "freerun" timecode, that is the most simple way to get (nearly)
the same timecode signal on all recorded tracks (usually "freerun" can be
translated to "record the actual time as timecode"). Please just take some
time to read your camera manual, search for the timecode section.

When all recorded tracks have that signal, it is very supportive when video
editing software has any feature that enables syncing to that recorded
timecode, it would then put your clips on the right position within one
timeline - please look at this video to understand how helpful it can be
when software actually offers some features to use information already
available in the material :

Thanks for your attention,
have a nice day!

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 6:29 PM, jdd <jdd at> wrote:

> Le 31/01/2017 à 17:47, DogFilm a écrit :
>> In addition to the other, more general thread about multicam editing I
>  this
>> is especially very helpful with gaps in recorded material.
> yes, you are right. My use is with continuous 4 hours+ camera runs
> Before getting the multicam kdenlive system, I was thinking of such a time
> code system and used it sometime manually, that is:
> * film a clock with any camcorder I have to use, better if done just
> before each take.
> * after the take, one can write down the offset between the filmed clock
> and the internal timecode, after that syncing is pretty easy
> I guess it should be pretty easy to add to kdenlive a module to do so,
> simply ask for any track what the offset is and then align all the clips
> based on this offset
> alas my agenda do not allow me to take more work and I can't do it myself,
> but I could help debugging such thing
> jdd
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