question: mixed vc separate clips

Evert Vorster evorster at
Wed Aug 30 06:26:33 UTC 2017

Hi there, everybody.

As a Kdenlive user, I think the opinions of Kdenlive users matter more than
the opinion of the developers of other video editing software.

It's only logical, surely there must be a reason that Kdenlive is the
preferred editor for the users that are using it?

You might be much better served with a survey to the kdenlive users on this
mailing list. I, for one, do not want Kdenlive to turn into a clone of the
other editors.

Kind regards,
-Evert Vorster-

On 30 August 2017 at 06:43, jdd at <jdd at> wrote:

> Le 30/08/2017 à 01:34, alcinos a écrit :
> If you want to voice an opinion for one of the approaches, or outline
>> advantages/drawbacks that we may not have thought of, we are looking
>> forward to hearing from you!"
> of course (?) the two clips created from the bin must have some sort of
> link to keep video and audio in sync.
> It's already not that easy to keep videos in sync when using the automatic
> audio sync between several tracks (which is one of the kdenlive strength).
> thanks
> jdd
> --

Evert Vorster
Isometrix Acquistion Superchief
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