Install Kdenlive on Void Linux?

farid abdelnour snd.noise at
Sun Aug 20 19:06:00 UTC 2017


2017-08-20 4:51 GMT-03:00 VTH <uservth at>:

> Hi, i have just installed Void Linux in my pc, but i still could not
> install Kdenlive.
> I tried with the AppImage, but i didnt open even giving all kind of
> permisions.

Probably asking at your distro's forums for help on how to fix this issue,
maybe there is something you need to install for AppImage to work...

My other options is install from Source but even if i like that the source
> compilation of Kdenlive has always been a pain in the ass for me and ive
> never could do it.
> Some idea.. help?

Have you seen this documentation:

It can probably be a bit outdated but might help.

Many someone can chime in with more experience.



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