Hardware acceleration / vaapi

Vincent Pinon vpinon at kde.org
Tue Aug 8 12:31:13 UTC 2017


Note that you need to have FFmpeg built with vaapi or nvenc support, which is not the case of Debian package.
I don't know what's needed for Intel, but for NVidia you have to download a SDK linked to closed-source driver, providing personal information: showstopper for me (and many packagers) :\

Please let us know of any progress on your side.

Evert, did you try to share your custom profiles using "HotNewStuff" function in Kdenlive? ;)


Le mardi 8 août 2017, 12:47:31 CEST Evert Vorster a écrit :

Hi there, Bernd. 

Kdenlive supports hardware encoding through custom encoding profiles. 

This is my profile for hardware hevc encoding with nvidia:

properties=x265-medium f=matroska vcodec=hevc_nvenc acodec=aac crf=%quality ab=%audiobitrate+'k'

It would have been awesome if mlt and ffmpeg used the same format in command lines, but this is not the case. At least they are close. 

Unfortunately I only have intel cards, so I cannot test the intel vaapi acelleration for you. 

Kind regards,

On 8 August 2017 at 10:35, B.M. <b-misc at gmx.ch[1]> wrote:

Dear all,

After some years without I'm getting back to video editing... I already searched quite a lot but it's really hard to find "realiable" information, so I decided to ask here:

- It seems that hw accel is not available in kdenlive 

- As far as I understand kdenlive uses mlt which uses ffmpeg. ffpmeg can use hardware acceleration for de- and encoding. So is mlt to "blame" for missing hw accel. in kdenlive?

- There has been a patch (bug 378832) "use of vaapi in transcoding and rendering" which seems to tackle my question. But what did it really change -/ what is it for? I didn't find more info on that and it's in kdenlive 17.04, while Debian is at 16.12. and before I compile myself I'd like to get more info.

- Furthermore I found a thread on this list back in April "kdenlive and mlt nvenc enabled" covering the same topic but for nvidia instead of Intel graphics; unfortunately nobody reported back if it really works. For me it reads like the patch I mentioned above.

So regarding the current state of hw accel in kdenlive I'm still uncertain.

Thank you for your inputs.

Kind regardsBernd 

Evert VorsterIsometrix Acquistion Superchief

[1] mailto:b-misc at gmx.ch
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