Proposal for GSoC

farid abdelnour snd.noise at
Sat Apr 1 18:43:05 UTC 2017

Olá Caio, Como vai?

2017-03-27 0:39 GMT-03:00 Caio Barros <caionaweb at>:

> My name is Caio and I am a college student and I have a proposal for GSoC
> and would like to present to a dev because I'm a bit lost. It involves
> creating a plugin for KDEnlive and use of external famewok.

This year there are no devs available to mentor GSOC and all efforts are
focused on refactoring. Here you can read more about it:

Nevertheless feel free to share your idea and maybe we'll add it to the
list for next year. :)

How can I proceed?

One cool thing you could do is to get acquainted with the code by checking
our list of easy bugs:


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