kde appimage (or equivalent) for Windows

Vincent Pinon vpinon at kde.org
Sun Nov 13 23:27:21 UTC 2016

Le dimanche 13 novembre 2016 23:03:29 CET, vous avez écrit :
> On Sunday, November 13, 2016 4:34:07 AM CET, Zeeshan Hasan wrote:
> > Hi, 
> > My company would like to donate some developer time to get the 
> > windows port ready.
> > Any tips on how to proceed?
> Hello,
> Thanks for your message. This is indeed a much requested / wanted feature 
> and would be a fantastic contribution.
> The work ok Windows port was mostly done by Vincent Pinon and Joseph 
> Joshua.
> Their approach was to use MXE (http://mxe.cc), which does a cross 
> compilation on Linux. But last time I heard about it, the app compiled but 
> crashed or froze on startup without any error message, making it hard to 
> debug.
> Joseph also had a look at emerge (not Gentoo emerge) - a KDE based project 
> to compile on windows: 
> https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Build_from_source/Windows
> Project page: https://github.com/KDE/emerge
> I have personnally not invested time in this effort so I cannot say much 
> more but will ask Vincent and Joseph to document what they have done so 
> that it is possible to continue their efforts.
> It should also be possible to look at how Shotcut (https://www.shotcut.org 
> ) provides windows binaries. Shotcut is Qt5 based and uses MLT, so Kdenlive 
> is very similar, with the added KDE Frameworks requirement.
> And last, the kde-windows might be of some help:
> https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-windows
> I will come back to you as soon as I can gather more infos about current 
> progress.
> Best regards
> Jean-Baptiste Mardelle


My last effort in building Kdenlive is here :
see most useful info here:

since then, my patches have been merged upstream
so to be dropped after upgrading MLT & Kdenlive.

As I had no Windows machine on which I could play with dev tools,
I only cross-compiled GDB with Kdenlive, but debugging without IDE is painful,
+I didn't easily get any log messages in Windows
(despite I switched KDE Frameworks to Debug builds)
so I didn't go much further.

Help from people more used to the job & platform could be really more efficient!
(I'm not a dev, I don't use Windows!)

Please let me know of any attempt, even failed, to help anyone to progress on this task!

Good luck,


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