Organize Kdenlive

Steve Brodie stevebrodie at
Tue Nov 1 16:40:44 UTC 2016

Hello Douglas,
Under the 'View' menu you have the option to 'Save Layout As...' or 
'Load Layout'. If you haven't used the 'Save Layout' command yet to 
overwrite any of these, then I think Layout 1 is the default layout. If 
you want to keep the default layout I suggest you save it to one of 
these locations as 'Default' (or something similar) and use the others 
for your own set ups.

I'm petty new here too, so others may correct or add to that, but I 
hope it's accurate and helps!


On Tue, 1 Nov, 2016 at 3:27 PM, dOUGLAS pOLLARD <dougpol2 at> 
> HI ALL, Newbie here.  I and learning to use Kenlive and got the 
> format of the timeline screen disorganized is there a key stroke that 
> will bring it back as original format??    Thanks Doug
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