[kdenlive] Preview rendering is rendering ... wait ... every other second...?

Harald Albrecht harald.albrecht at gmx.net
Sat Jun 25 16:58:41 UTC 2016

Dear Kdenlivers,

two questions, somehow related:

1. With the most recent git master preview rendering now does something 
strangely funny: it renders every other second only. The problem appears 
only when I use a self-made preview profile ("MPEG-2 1080p 25fps", 
picked up somewhere in the Kdenlive forum), which looks as follows:

-s 1920x1080 -r 25 -vcodec mjpeg -qscale 1 -acodec pcm_s16le

In the past, this profile worked without flaws. What am I doing wrong? 
The stock MJPEG profile works correctly.

The project itself uses the stock "HD 1080p 25 fps" profile.


==== 2. The stock MJPEG profile results in a rather "blocky" display, 
kind of 2D Minecraft-y rendering. It's defined as "f=avi vcodec=mjpeg 
progressive=1". How can I trade in my disk space for better display that 
doesn't look like being rendered in Minecraft or using my childhood LEGO 


Any help?

Best regards, Harald

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