"File rendering"

jdd jdd at dodin.org
Sat Dec 17 11:09:37 UTC 2016

Le 17/12/2016 à 11:06, Lionel Allorge a écrit :

> I agree ! It took me some time too to find the right option. Webm should
> be available right away as it is one of the main formats nowadays.

for what I see, all the media render system have to be revamped (may be 
it's already on the way): much too "command line oriented" for a GUI 
application. MLT options are not that easy to understand. IMHO the 
situation is worst than for the 0.9xx era.

thanks, the render engine itself is engine is extremely good. I only 
could render in kdenlive some source videos that ffmpeg or handbrake 
where only capable to run with sound or with image, but not the two of 
them :-))


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