[kdenlive] Introducing Joseph, working on Kdenlive Windows port for GSoC

farid abdelnour snd.noise at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 17:29:17 UTC 2016

welcome joseph,

your contribution will give access to hundreds/thousands (maybe even
hundreds of thousands) of people to kdenlive. that is fantastic! kdenlive
democratizing communication!

guys, we will need to call for some backup in the forums to handle all
those windows users ;P


2016-04-26 13:15 GMT-03:00 Harald Albrecht <harald.albrecht at gmx.net>:

> So having Kdenlive working on Windows would be a great step to help people
>> to leave the dark side of the force and get rid of Windows. Best regards.
>  I can now imagine Kdenlive's brand claim:
> Kdenlive/W: change to the light side of video editing!
> :)
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