[kdenlive] Only-copy editing

Narcis Garcia informatica at actiu.net
Mon Apr 11 08:48:34 UTC 2016

Yes, this helps.

The "extract zone" function in the clip monitor seems a good tool in a part.
Avidemux seems a good alternative for this Kdenlive's unsupported
editing mode.

El 11/04/16 a les 09:32, Evert Vorster ha escrit:
> Hi there, Narcis.
> There is a function to extract pieces out of a clip losslessly in the
> clip monitor, but it only cuts between keyframes. You can acutally see
> the keyframes with the "analyze clip" clip job, but it's impossible to
> change a keyframe without re-encoding. I recommend padding each end of
> the piece you want to cut to ensure you get all the frames you want.
> Unfortunately, a render is a render. The best you can do is to either
> render to a lossless format (very big file) or set the quality setting
> really high for the output format. For x264 I recommend 18 or less.
> Also, if your output format is the same as your input format, the
> artifacts will be reduced, but in the end there is no magic cure here.
> I hope this helps?
> -Evert-
> On 11 April 2016 at 09:18, Narcis Garcia <informatica at actiu.net
> <mailto:informatica at actiu.net>> wrote:
>     Hello;
>     Some times, to feed my video samples repository, I need to extract only
>     small segments from a larger video recording (already compressed, p.e.
>     in MP2, MP4 or MOV), and I want to avoid a/v recompression and avoiding
>     too the very big RAW formats.
>     Other times I want to mount only a sequence of samples that match same
>     a/v codecs, and want to avoid recompressing and RAW too.
>     As some command line tools allow (mencoder, avconv, etc.), does Kdenlive
>     have some editing and rendering mode to use directly source streams and
>     concatenate or cut them for the final file?
>     (Of course this cannot allow transitions, effects, etc.)
>     Thanks.
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> -- 
> Evert Vorster
> Isometrix Acquistion Superchief
> (Streamer Handling)

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