[Kdenlive-devel] Fwd: max_analyze_duration reached

Pascal Fleury fleury at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Sep 22 17:06:43 UTC 2014

Hi Evert,

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Evert Vorster <evorster at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 22 September 2014 00:30, Pascal Fleury <fleury at users.sourceforge.net>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am completely stuck, any help welcome...
> Let's see if I can shed some light on this...
> > I am about to finish a video project, where I use pretty long files
> (several
> > 1080p at 25 13 minute chunks, audio @ 96kHz stereo 32 bit float for 1.5
> hours)
> > and it seemed to work nicely so far. I used proxy clips all along, as
> > working off the original video is just not possible.
> >
> > Now I try to render the project, and I face many issues: first, when
> > rendering the project with proxy clips set on the clips (the little
> 'P'), it
> > does not use the full resolution for the final render. I think this is a
> > known issue (ignores the little checkbox in the render dialog).
> Look at issue 0003337 in the mantis bug tracker. This bug report has
> very similar symptoms to what is described here.
> That bug has been squashed only in the last month. That means that
> there is no released version of kdenlive that will fix this issue.
> If you have not done so already, fetch the latest git of mlt and
> kdenlive, build and install those, and see if your issue pesists.
> > My real issue is that if I remove the proxy clips, then it tries to
> > re-render the thumbnails on the time line, and gets them all wrong. The
> > files are correct, but it does not display the right images (takes some
> > others), and renders full black video.
> This also sounds like an old bug that has been fixed in the latest
> git, and unrelated to the rendering from floxies bug.
> > After saving and reloading, it's even worse, as I face the issue with
> lots
> > of lines like in the title (more, see below). And after this, _all_
> clips on
> > the timeline are zero length, completely ruining my project. I use git
> for
> > all text files, and did regular checkpoints, so I have not lost much
> besides
> > time, and rollbacks are easy.
> This is interesting. I would like to know more about how you do this,
> as I have also lost considerable amount of time when a save file got
> corrupted.

Well, in a previous project, I spent about 10 hours recovering from a
timeline corruption (selecting a lot of clips on the timeline, and shifting
them would just completely messup things). After that, I used git to track
all text files (none of the videos though). That includes titles, video
stabilization output files, etc.

I almost never use any merge/patch for these XML files, as some simple
edits have quite a big effect on the XML (and it's too easy to get into an
even more corrupted state :-). However, git has very cheap branching, and
very cheap commits, so whenever I have my project in a state I think is
fine, I do a git commit. So I can go back to that point. And I do it each
time I finish a session.

This is definitely not a tool for Joe User, but I am a software engineer
and use git daily at work :-)

> > So essentially, I am stuck with a project I cannot render after 60 hours
> of
> > editing time... Any help ? Anything I could do to get a final video from
> my
> > project ? Or is this max_analyze_duration from an underlying tool that I
> > could downgrade/upgrade ?
> Fetch the latest git of kdenlive and mlt, and install those. Then load
> your project. You might have to delete the thumbnails to get kdenlive
> to re-render them.
> Also, if you disable proxies for the project, and save as a different
> project, you might have some success that way.... however, proxy
> handling has been greatly improved in the last month or so in
> kdenlive.

Ok, that is a good point, and will try compiling from source. Thanks.


> Check & report bugs on
> http://www.kdenlive.org/mantis/my_view_page.php
> Kind regards,
> Evert Vorster
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