[kdenlive] vidstab.trf and multiple clips

Ludovico Cavedon ludovico.cavedon at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 08:09:09 UTC 2014


I have been using kdenlive to do a little video editing and I really like
I read about the video stabilization feature and I tried it out. However I
noticed some issues. Not sure if this is serious bug or I am using it wrong.
I am using kdenlive 0.9.10 on Debian testing.

In my project a have several clips.
I stabilized all of them. I noticed that for each clip it creates a .mlt
file (xml).
However, *all* clips reference the same file "vidstab.trf" in my home
This looks a problem to me, as stabilizing the next clips seems to
overwrite the stabilization info of the previous one.
Is it possible to customize the filename somehow in a per-clip fashion?

I also have an additional question.

I already have a project where I already done most of the editing,
preparing a timeline with clips and transition.

I would like to swap every clip the with stabilized one. Is there a way to
do it that does not involve starting a new timeline from scratch or editing
the XML project by hand?

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