[Kdenlive-devel] different videostab filter

Marco Gittler marco at gitma.de
Fri Sep 2 09:12:33 UTC 2011


i integrated a second (very nice) videostab from http://public.hronopik.de/vid.stab/features.php?lang=en
which seems to be make a bit better job. (https://github.com/gmarco/mlt/commits/videostab) 

This video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRA5H1LYzM4&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
is very shaky and using the filter videostab, the result has still some rolling in the video. Also it has some more "stretch areas" in den borders.

The videostab2 filter seems to use a complete different algo.
-It has much more parameter to be adjusted (not implemented yet)
-is can handle yuv and rgb data (rgb is _much_ slower tha yuv , yuv nearly as fast as videostab filter )
-is can remove the rolling of the camera much better 
-it will zoom in to avoid the "stretch borders"

This is only a Test version. But i think, it would be worth to have this too in mlt (a bit work is to make it full working (parameters/debug log) )

Usage of the filter is equal to videostab.

regards marco 

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