[Kdenlive-devel] kthumb crash? (was Re: [PATCH mlt] Clear audio and video context to NULL)

jb jb at kdenlive.org
Fri Oct 28 21:54:58 UTC 2011

On Friday 28 October 2011 10:33:30 Dan Dennedy wrote:
> > Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> > [Switching to Thread 0xacac4b70 (LWP 18720)]
> > 0xad9f314c in filter_get_audio (frame=0x8546f60, buffer=0xacac417c,
> >    format=0xacac4274, frequency=0x95e7250, channels=0x95e7254,
> >    samples=0xacac4270) at filter_audiochannels.c:87
> > 87                                              new_buffer[ ( i *
> > *channels ) + j ]     = ((int16_t*)(*buffer))[ ( i * channels_avail ) +
> > j ];
> [...]
> >        channels_avail = 1953853535
> The filter received an insane amount of audio channels from its
> producer (probably avformat), but I have no idea how it happened -
> that is the problem with backtraces. Sure, one can add some validation
> around this variable, but it is not going to fix the root cause. It
> will just fail somewhere else on the next test run.

There was an issue with the video thumbnails creation that still used several 
concurrent threads, so maybe between audio and video thumbnails, clip and 
project monitor there were too many concurrent avformat producers running. I 
just fixed that in Kdenlive svn 5997, and we now use only one thread for all 
timeline thumbnails...

Can you check again with latest svn?


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