[Kdenlive-devel] exposing parallelism

Dan Dennedy dan at dennedy.org
Wed Feb 16 08:11:20 UTC 2011

I want to expose parallelism in Kdenlive. There are basically three settings:

1. playback threads (real_time=x on sdl)
2. rendering threads (real_time=x on avformat)
3. encoding threads (threads=y on avformat)

I am thinking maybe 1 and 2 should be the same to made it more
predictable right now. Where do you think this goes in the settings
dialog and how to label it? "Processing threads" ? Then, I think
encoding threads belongs on the Render dialog (along with bitrate).
Even though it does not always apply - only some encoders handle it -
it should not bother other encoders. Thoughts?


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