[Kdenlive-devel] Title templates

jb jb at kdenlive.org
Thu Sep 9 04:36:27 UTC 2010

> One thing i see is:
> QSvgRenderer *renderer
> must cleaned by hand, since when putting data not from a file into the 
> SvgItem, we must use this construct.
> This means also, renderer (for each svg item) must be cleaned at last,
> else we   have a memory leak.
> this we should do before it gets into production.
> marco

Another problem: if you add a kdenlivetitle to a project file and modify it, the title xml is embeded in the .kdenlive project file. In that case, the images should be detached from the titles and saved for example in titles/images, base64 attribute should then be cleared and replaced with url referencing to the new image url...

So it's not that easy. So I would say that if we get that working before the week-end, we could commit and call for people to test during the week-end before release. Otherwise, we should probably wait until next release for the feature - we could make a 0.7.9 rather soon with only bug and translation fixes along with the new title feature.


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