[Kdenlive-devel] f=avi acodec=flac acodec=flac

Al Bogner kdenlive at ml093.pinguin.uni.cc
Tue Mar 2 19:12:09 UTC 2010

I rendered with ff1 / flac

where I see these options:

f=avi acodec=flac acodec=flac ar=48000 ab=1024k ac=2 vcodec=ffv1 qscale=1 

Is there a reason that "acodec=flac acodec=flac" is double in
kde4-kdenlive-0.7.7-0.pm.2.10 (opensuse 11.1)

I am asking especially because I cannot decode the audio stream without 
problems from the file created by kdenlive with this command:

mencoder "$AVIFILE" -of rawaudio -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=standard -ovc 
copy -o "$MP3FILE" &

I get a lot of "Skipping frames"

For testing I changed the options to

f=avi acodec=pcm_s16le ac=2 vcodec=ffv1 qscale=1 aspect=%dar

mixing the options from another preset. Where are the possible options listed, 
so it is not guessing?  Are these options ok? With these options there have 
been only a few "Skipping frames" at the beginning.

How can I use ff1 with lame and preset standard?


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