[Kdenlive-devel] kdenlive.org imporovement suggestions
Simon Eugster
simon.eu at gmail.com
Sun Aug 1 09:17:53 UTC 2010
Dear friends,
1. I've found out that we indeed *do* have a blog on kdenlive.org:
>From what I saw, everyone can create a blog entry and make it visible
there. I think we should make use of this chance now. Which also
means putting the link to the blog to a more central place (who would
expect it at Advocate > News?).
2. How mutable is content? For example, the camcorderinfo link here
http://kdenlive.org/link-community is dead, but I cannot modify the
page. There are also other pages which should occasionally be updated.
Like for example the http://kdenlive.org/roadmap ...
3. Supported Camcorders. Too limited. I would like to add my Nikon D90
(DSLR), but Nikon is not in the Manufacturer list. How to update this
4. Cookies. If I'm logged in on http://kdenlive.org, I'm not on
http://www.kdenlive.org. Which e.g. means that, clicking on the
«Create Content → Supported camcorder» link here:
http://kdenlive.org/video-editor «logs me out», as it seems. Same
problem occurs on various other links on the page. Even in the menu:
Contribute → Howto develop hard links to the www address.
5. Menu. The fade in effect is nice, but too slow. I would prefer a
menu without fade in.
6. Forum. Is it possible to add a «Show unread/unanswered topics»
button? I often miss updates, especially when not online for several
days, and the only solution is then to visit every forum.
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