[Kdenlive-devel] [heads-up] Lightworks to be open sourced

Dan Dennedy dan at dennedy.org
Thu Apr 15 18:50:11 UTC 2010

2010/4/15 Branislav Nakic <rudlavibizon at gmail.com>:
> Sorry for the off-topic.
> The Lightworks NLE is to be open sourced:
> http://www.editshare.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=164&Itemid=146
> Does anybody know if it runs/can-be-made-to-run on Linux?

That will be a huge task. Also, we do not know yet what license will
be used that may or may not facilitate code extraction and reuse. I
would not be surprised if there are third party components that need
to be removed due to license issues and wonder what impact that may
have. It is nice and interesting, but don't get overly excited at this
point - must wait and see. Also, bear in mind, that a big issue the
open source Linux video editing community faces is a lack of
developers per project. There is plenty of additional code analysis
and reuse we developers could do with the code already available to
us, and I shudder at the thought of learning my way around a win32
codebase that dates back to 1989.


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