[Kdenlive-devel] effects stability

Mikko Rapeli mikko.rapeli at iki.fi
Tue Jul 21 05:29:51 UTC 2009


I've only seen crashes when trying to use kdenlive effects on Debian
unstable (qt 4.5.2). I have tried a number of fixes in the effects
processing but there always seems to be another source of crashes.

Here's one patch which I think does the correct thing, but doesn't
really bring any new stability into kdenlive effects lists or UI

This patch disconnects signals before killing the QWidgets.

Index: src/effectstackedit.cpp
--- src/effectstackedit.cpp	(revision 3744)
+++ src/effectstackedit.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -532,7 +532,11 @@
 void EffectStackEdit::clearAllItems()
-    qDeleteAll(m_items);
+    while (!m_items.isEmpty()) {
+        QWidget * die = m_items.takeFirst();
+        die->disconnect();
+        delete die;
+    }

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