[Kdenlive-devel] Polish translation

Mariusz Pluciński vshader at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 14:41:29 UTC 2009

Some time ago I created almost complete translation of kdenlive to 
polish language.
I was creating it fast (~4 hours) so I'm sure there are mistakes, but I 
hope it still may
be helpful (there's a lot of people in Poland who still don't know English).

The translation was made for kdenlive version 0.7.5 (rev. 3799).
If you will use it, it would be nice for me to become SVN writer,
as I'm going to correct my translation (and maybe upgrade, if needed).

Hope it will be helpful
Mariusz Pluciński, vshader

BTW, as I noticed, some texts in program (e.g. some names of filters) 
are not available
in .po file (using lokalize). How can I translate them?

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