[Kdenlive-devel] SVN v4 import of v3 files with text clips.

Albert ARIBAUD albert.aribaud at free.fr
Sat Sep 13 08:47:06 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I have a v3 kdenlive which I'm try to use in v4 (ffmpeg, lmt, lmt+, 
kdelive4 fresh from SVN).

Loading goes fine, audio and video clips and timelines seem to be ok. 
Text clips, however, are not ok:

- in the resources tab, their thumbnail is garbage

- in the clip monitor and in the project monitor, they all display as a 
uniform green block in the lower right quarter of the image

- if I edit one, it seems to contain a single rectangle, very small (one 
tenth of the frame height and width). However, with "normal" rectangles, 
the dimension controls at the top are modifiable, while with this one 
they are greyed. If I click OK to confirm the text clip edits, kdenlive 
crashes (crash file attached).

Does that ring a bell to anyone?

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