[Kdenlive-devel] FFMPEG include path and some changes

Lúcio Corrêa lucio.correa at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 21:02:57 UTC 2008

Hi Guys.

I've talked to Marco about the include format of the ffmpeg headers
and have some questions:

ffmpeg developers say the correct way to include  the headers since
0.4.9 is <dir/header.h>;
KDE4 from trunk (since June 12th, and soon to be 4.1) uses this way too;

So, why are we using the old one method?  What I suggest:

1. Copy FindFFmpeg.cmake from KDE's trunk into kdenlive;
2. Change renderer.cpp  to #include <libavformat/avformat.h>;
3. Remove these modules, as they are not used anymore or are part of kdelibs:


And If we want to depend o at least kde 4.1, we can remove
FindFFmpeg.cmake too after that.

I'm proposing this because if we start duplicating the modules, we end
up like the autotools hell, mantaining every module on our own.

What do you think? Ok to do commit the changes?

"Your mind is like a parachute: it works better when open."
Lúcio Flávio Corrêa
(+55) (87) 9118-8115
lucio.correa #at# gmail.com
topeira -> irc.freenode.net

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