[Kdenlive-devel] Bugs summary - new updater

Mads Bondo Dydensborg mads at dydensborg.dk
Sat Dec 6 21:44:09 UTC 2008

Hi all

Looking at the bugs "Summary" in mantis, the last month has been a bit hard on 
the status, with a net increase in the number of non-resolved bugs around 24. 

However, I am happy to say that Felix Hammer/doitux today has agreed to become 
an "updater" on mantis - welcome onboard!

Also, after a busy couple of weeks at work, I should have some more time, from 
now and until year end to do bug triage/minor jobs in SVN. So I am confident 
that we will get on top of it, and turn the number around. Jb have committed 
several changes that we/I yet have to confirm/commit to mantis - will try to 
get around to this ASAP. 

Mostly I just wanted to thank Felix for agreeing to become an updater!


Mads Bondo Dydensborg   mads at dydensborg.dk   http://www.madsdydensborg.dk/

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