[Kdenlive-devel] [PATCH] renderer avformat.h include directory

Albert ARIBAUD albert.aribaud at free.fr
Fri Apr 25 19:24:11 UTC 2008

Marco Gittler a écrit :

> ok i changed this in both versions.

Noticed on update; thanks.

> now ffmpeg should be found (if under /usr/ or /usr/local) in every version, or 
> better the avformt.h header
> could you post next time you patch attached, this would be easier to use 
> then ;)

Sure things. Attached the src/renderer.cpp patch for the KDE4 version as 
an exercice (even though the include is actually commented out right now.

> thx and regards marco

My pleasure!

Now back to serious debugging: my own-built kdenlive crashes right on 
startup. First look with Kdbg shows a null pointer dereference... See 
you folks later!


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