[Kdenlive-devel] New BurningTV effect

Stephane Fillod f8cfe at free.fr
Sun Mar 25 14:19:24 UTC 2007


Please find below a patch adding a new effect from EffecTV: BurningTV

The associated patch will be sent to the MLT mailing list.

Index: kdenlive/initeffects.cpp
--- kdenlive/initeffects.cpp	(révision 1470)
+++ kdenlive/initeffects.cpp	(copie de travail)
@@ -433,6 +433,26 @@
+    if (filtersList.findIndex("BurningTV") != -1) {
+	// BurnTV
+	EffectDesc *burn = new EffectDesc(i18n("BurningTV"), "BurningTV", "video", VIDEOEFFECT);
+	xmlAttr.clear();
+	xmlAttr.append("type", QString::null, QString::null, "bool");
+	xmlAttr.append("name", QString::null, QString::null, "foreground");
+	xmlAttr.append("description", QString::null, QString::null, i18n("Burn the foreground"));
+	xmlAttr.append("default", QString::null, QString::null, "0");
+	burn->addParameter(effectDescParamFactory.createParameter(xmlAttr));
+	xmlAttr.clear();
+	xmlAttr.append("type", QString::null, QString::null, "constant");
+	xmlAttr.append("name", QString::null, QString::null, "threshold");
+	xmlAttr.append("description", QString::null, QString::null, i18n("Movement threshold"));
+	xmlAttr.append("max", QString::null, QString::null, "255");
+	xmlAttr.append("min", QString::null, QString::null, "0");
+	xmlAttr.append("default", QString::null, QString::null, "50");
+	burn->addParameter(effectDescParamFactory.createParameter(xmlAttr));
+	effectList->append(burn);
+    }
     if (filtersList.findIndex("ladspa") != -1) {
 	if (!locate("ladspa_plugin", "declip_1195.so").isEmpty()) {

Rem, for the wishlist:
That'd be nice to be able to declare new effects in Kdenlive without having 
to hack the initeffects.cpp file and recompile. A simple text file (XML?),
declaring the effect name, the type (video/audio/..), and a list of
parameters: type, name, description, default, and depending on the type,
additional fields like max, min. IIRC, Zsolti proposed something along this line.
Is it what src/modules/feeds/PAL/*.properties were for?


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