[Kdenlive-devel] Effects idea

jb jb at ader.ch
Sat Mar 3 00:12:08 UTC 2007

On Friday 02 March 2007 09.52:51 Zsolt Sandor wrote:
> - Modify the mlt framework that it can use effects and transitions in
> .so format.

I think it is already the case, you can have a look in:

But currently, effects (filters) are grouped with producers in some big 
categories (core, mltplus,...). I do not have enough knowledge to really 
comment on this, but having one library for each effect would probably result 
in a worse real time performance.

> - Create an xml schema that can describe an effect (and one for a
> transition). It should contain a link to the so file, the parameters,
> the function names bound to the parameters, and so on.

Yes, I have been thinking about it for a some time, would be much better than 
current situation. The best thing would be to have a place in MLT data 
folders where xml files for the installed effects / transitions would be 
installed, then Kdenlive would just have to parse this folder to 
automatically create all effects.

Still, one thing I am not sure is how we could manage translation of the 
effect names and parameters, because all names will be in MLT and not in 
Kdenlive anymore... 

Anyways, most of this implies working on MLT... and I don't have enough time 
to do it now...  so let's hope some new people can help on the MLT side in 
the near future.


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