[Kdenlive-devel] Regression on export for 4:3 + wishlist

jb jb at ader.ch
Sat Feb 24 11:08:19 UTC 2007

On Saturday 24 February 2007 11.50:59 Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> jb wrote:
> The obscure effect can be applied to only a rectangular area of the
> clip.  Is it possible to simply copy that mechanism to other effects or
> is my assumption way too simple?

The obscure filter is designed to affect only a part of the screen, and has 
built-in parameters to acheive this. 

The region filter is some kind of a meta filter where you define the part of 
picture to be affected, and then the region filter sends that part to any 
other filter.

We can probably use a UI similar to the obscure filter for region filter, but 
it will also require to rewrite some parts of Kdenlive's filter handling, so 
it's not as simple as just adding another filter...

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