[Kdenlive-devel] Regression on export for 4:3 + wishlist

jb jb at ader.ch
Sat Feb 24 10:21:47 UTC 2007


> I'm experiencing a regression when svn updating to r1357.
> The checkin deals with kdenlive/exportwidget.cpp. Here is the log:

> +    *m_exportProcess << "aspect_ratio=16:9";
> +    *m_exportProcess << "frame_aspect_ratio=16:9";
> +    *m_exportProcess << "aspect=16:9";

Fixed, sorry it was not meant to be comitted.

> Now some entries for the wishlist/FAQ list:
> * In the Clip Monitor, pressing space key at the end of clip should
>   "rewind" and play again the clip from beginning.


> * In clip Project Tree, Delete key should delete the selected clip.

Currently I didn't find a way to reliably find out which widget is focused, 
not sure the KDockWidget framework UI can handle this, so it may be postponed 
until we switch to QT4/KDE4.

> * When deleting a clip from the clip Project Tree, the question
>   "This will... .Are you sure you want to do this?" should not be asked
>   when the clip usage count is 0.


> * Is it possible to apply an effect only to a (temporal) part of a clip
>   in the Timeline without having to Split the clip ?

Yes, MLT allows it, but it is currently not really implemented in Kdenlive, 
because I didn't really know how to implement it without making the timeline 
UI too messy. 

Currently, only keyframe effects can be applied to a part of the clip by 
moving its first and last keyframe using the "position" slider of the effect 

> * Is it possible to apply a video effect only to a (spatial) part of
>   a clip ? The area can be restricted to a rectangle. Is it what the
>   "region" transition of mlt is for?

Yes, that is probably a much wanted feature, but it has not been implemented 
in Kdenlive yet.

> * IMO, the effect names should not be translated in the .kdenlive
>   project file. This prevents the project file from being sent from
>   one person to another person with different localisation.

You are 100% right, I had not realised it. Will try to find a way to fix it.

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