[Kdenlive-devel] While working with current svn... some gdb

Thomas Orgis thomas-forum at orgis.org
Mon Dec 31 16:39:33 UTC 2007

Hi again,

I'm still trying to get a video project done and after strangeness with
some dv files (inconsistencies between preview and the real thing,
pretended time-jumps... cannot pin that yet -- kino has no prob...), I
got a solid crash in a strange situation.

1. Added a new audio clip in one of my two audio tracks.
2. Want to move that clip.
3. I doesn't move.
4. Cut it, wanting to paste (hoping that this makes it movable again).
5. After cut, clip is still visible.
6. On paste, kdenlive crashes because of a pure virtual method being

I attached some info I got out of gdb.
I know that I'm mixing up several issues here but I am indeed trying to
get this project through with half-closed eyes, doing a short stop
everytime I hit a wall.
Well, up to now at least kdenlive's crash recovery works - heck, I used
it lots of times today.

Perhaps this gdb trace gives a clue about one problem at least.

Alrighty then,


Thomas Orgis - Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
(http://www.sourcemage.org) OrgisNetzOrganisation ---)=-
http://orgis.org GPG public key D446D524:
http://thomas.orgis.org/public_key Fingerprint: 7236 3885 A742 B736
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