[Kdenlive-devel] Keep original DV timecode where it possible

jb jb at ader.ch
Wed Oct 4 14:48:41 UTC 2006

varokan wrote:
> Ruslan Popov wrote:
>> Some time ago I asked to realize the ability to keep original DV 
>> timecode while doing DV export with Kdenlive. Is it possible?
>> I need time code! I use it to create timecode subtitle for my DVDs.

I had a look at it and managed to patch mlt so that it is aware of DV 
timecode (but currently only works with libdv, not sure if it is as easy 
with libavformat).

So this would make it possible to add scene detection like kino has.

If that is useful, I think it would also be quite easy to create an MLT 
filter that overlays the timecode on the image.

Finally, it should also be possible to tweak consumer_libdv so that it 
writes back the original timecode.

Currently, the biggest problem is that there are lots of cool features 
that need / can be implemented, but I will never find time to do it all 

I started a wiki page listing the wanted features. Please add features 
and details on it.



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