[Kdenlive-devel] Another Kdenlive feature request

jb jb at ader.ch
Tue Oct 3 07:39:06 UTC 2006

Ronald Teune wrote:
> Hi,
> A short time ago, I saw a piece of film with some sort of 'ghosting' effect. 
> The frame of fractions of seconds before the current frame was laid over the 
> current frame with a lower opacity (30% or so). It looked great (especially 
> with a fearful sound under it), and doesn't seem hard to me to create in code 
> (although I myself am probably unable to do it). Maybe someone says 'yay, 
> I'll make it'? Or else I'll create a wiki subitem 'nice-to-haves', if it 
> doesn't already exist :-)

After thinking about it, I realized this was already possible to achieve 
this effect in Kdenlive. Just copy / paste your clip on the upper track, 
move it slightly to make the time delay. Then mute the upper clip 
(effect->mute) and apply a PIP transition to it. The pip transition 
should have all positions to 0 and opacity set to whatever you want...

Not as simple as a filter, but since this effect will probably not be 
used in so much, I think it is good enough like this.


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