[Kdenlive-devel] undesire to compile

jb jb at ader.ch
Thu Jul 20 06:27:35 UTC 2006

dan williams wrote:

> *** YOU'RE USING autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.60.
> *** KDE requires autoconf 2.53 or newer
> make[1]: *** [cvs] Error 1

Seems to be a bug in the admin repository, see:

You can solve the problem by applying the following fix (taken from the 
above url):

in file kdenlive-0.3/admin/cvs.sh

replace line 35:
   Autoconf*2.5* | autoconf*2.5* ) : ;;
   Autoconf*2.5* | autoconf*2.5* | autoconf*2.6* ) : ;;

and line 50:
   Autoconf*2.5* | autoheader*2.5* ) : ;;
   Autoconf*2.5* | autoheader*2.5* | autoheader*2.6* ) : ;;

> before I start alot of work, is my source up to date?

If you want to work on Kdenlive, you should always use the development 
svn source code. To grab the source:

svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kdenlive/trunk/kdenlive

Then, to keep the source up to date:
svn up

Many fixes/features have already been committed since version 0.3.

About the IRC: I have no access to it during the day, and each time I 
tried to connect there was no one on it. Maybe we could organise an IRC 
meeting some day...


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