[Kdenlive-devel] [kdenlive-devel] crash and export bug

Michael Holtkamp biermicha at gmx.de
Fri Dec 8 20:02:41 UTC 2006

Hi all,

i am reading this mailing list for some time now and waited for the release of 
0.4. Unfortunately i have some problems with kdenlive.
First i tried to compile kdenlive, but i failed, cause mlt did not compile 
properly. But i have seen, that packman 
(http://packman.links2linux.de/package/kdenlive/17590) provides packages for 
kdenlive, ffmpeg and mlt for my distribution (Suse 10.1). So i installed 

Now back to my problems:

Whenever i create a text clip and click on it in the project-window, kdenlive 
crashes with this error message:

kdenlive: *** DOCUMENT adding clip: Text-Clip
KCrash: Application 'kdenlive' crashing...
avi.cc:621: In function "virtual int AVIFile::GetDVFrame(uint8_t*, int)": 
condit          ion "lseek( fd, offset, SEEK_SET ) == ( off_t ) - 1" is true
avi.cc:621: errno: 9 (Ungültiger Dateideskriptor)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::string'
Unable to start Dr. Konqi
mh at erde:~> kdenlive

I had the same problem with the klik-version of kdenlive 0.3. Creating a 
picture-clip or a colour-clip is no problem.

If i export a project to dvd, the first three of four frames of the *.vob-file 
diffuse and full of artifacts.

In one project i added an picture-clip and behind an dv-avi. I tried to export 
to mpeg 720*576 and high quality. But only 37% got exported, the length of 
the picture-clip. No error or warning appeared. I did the same wiht medium 
quality and it worked properly.

I hope you can help me with my problems.
I think kdenlive is on the way to become a really good program. The developers 
do a very good job.

Michael H.
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