[Kdelibs-bugs] [PATCH] Fixing KMessageBox cutoff texts
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at gmx.de
Fri Nov 2 21:06:11 CET 2007
On Freitag, 2. November 2007, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Friday 02 November 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Unless I hear objections until monday I'm going to commit this as I
> > can't see any downside here (besides scrollbars, but I think thats
> > acceptable)
> since the scrollbars would only show on poorly formed messages, i
> think it is fine as well .. as long as they don't show up
> unnecessarily for reasonable messages (e.g. ones without
> huuuuuuuugelongrunningtexts), we should be ok.
Well, do you know of a "real world" example for testing? So far I just
made up one string that has no word-separators and one that has tons of
newlines so I have an extreme for both directions.
The label itself does do word-wrapping and the dialog does get a bit
bigger, well let me attach a screenshot. That dialog has about half the
size of my screen in each direction so is effectively 1/4th of the
whole screen size. The original code tried to make the width nor more
than 1/3rd so the dialog is actually a bit larger now in the worst
Blow it out your ear.
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