connected once then no more

Jiří Wolker woljiri at
Mon Jul 4 09:37:01 BST 2022


thanks or your interest in KDE Connect.

> I was able to pair them once, copy a couple of test pictures to my 
> windows pc, then it won't recognize or connect to anything since.  I 
> have reinstalled on both and another PC and still no connection or 
> pairing. It don't recognize anything anywhere.

That sounds weird. I'll try to give you few generic tips:

   • Both devices using KDE Connect need to be connected to the same 
network.¹ (Your home network with Wi-Fi access point etc.) I sometimes 
not realize that and then I start finding reason for that “it is not 

   • I did never use iPhone, I am rather an Android guy, but I expect 
that there is also some option to clear/reset application data.² Try 
clearing its data, maybe there is some bug that appears in some specific 
situations and this is the

   • Launch the KDE Connect app on both devices when you want to 
transfer data or perform other actions. Phone OSes (Android, iOS) do 
some power optimizations unfortunately that interfere with network 
operations in the background.

   • Did you change network settings on some of the devices? Didn't you 
configure VPN? Firewall? Did you change configuration of your network? 
Try using the previous configuration, if possible.

> I didn't know where to turn.  I searched the forum and no help, don't 
> even know where to ask. Did not find a either.

I think this is not bad place to ask.


━━━ Footnotes ━━━

¹ Usually on Wi-Fi. I use Wi-Fi on phone and wired network on desktop. 
The requirement is actually that the devices needs a way to communicate 
with each other over local network. (You can also use VPN, access the 
computer over Internet etc., but it is not as easy to configure as the 
local network access.)

² This (the second “method”) is probably what I mean: 
  You will need to reinstall KDE Connect on the phone after doing this.

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