2 new problems - Private Key and RSA

Ianseeks bingmybong at btinternet.com
Fri Jun 18 10:21:07 BST 2021


I've been getting these notifications for a few days now on login to the desktop, all still seems to work (apart from my normal problem where i can't send text replies etc from my desktop).  KDE Connect setting stills show me as pair with my phone (Blackberry Keyone Android 8)

KDE Connect
Could not store private key file: /home/is/.config/kdeconnect/privateKey.pem

This is the file in the folder 
-rw------- 1 me users    0 Jun 18 10:08 privateKey.pem

KDE Connect failed to start
Could not find support for RSA in your QCA installation. If your distribution provides separate packets for QCA-ossl and QCA-gnupg, make sure you have them installed and try again.

This is what is installed on my machine which seems to satisfy the requirements in the message:
qca-qt5-plugins - Various plugins for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture 2

This package provides a generic Qt cryptographic architecture, including a library and a plug-in for using all supported capabilities of openssl, like SSL/TLS, X509, RSA, SHA1, MD5, Blowfish, 3DES, and AES.
It can be extended by further plug-ins, for example, with qca-sasl for SASL support.

Any ideas?



Qt: 5.15.2 KDE Frameworks: 5.82.0 - KDE Plasma:  5.22.0 - kwin 5.22.0
kmail2 5.17.2 (21.04.2) - akonadiserver 5.17.2 (21.04.2) - Kernel:  5.12.10-1-default  - xf86-video-nouveau:  1.0.17

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