I had to uninstall KDE connect today :'(

Daniel T danielzgtg.opensource at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 17:00:02 GMT 2021

> Telegram's backend is proprietary [...]

There is also #kdeconnect on Freenode, and I think that was the original
communication channel. It is synced with Matrix and Telegram.

> [...] crashing [...]

You usually don't have to uninstall packages that keep crashing. Just
disable them: `sudo chmod 000 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kdeconnectd`

2021年1月27日(水) 10:55 Avamander <avamander at gmail.com>:

> > KDE should have a presence on telegram and it's a great place to ask for
> help as well. I would also recommend the Kubuntu Forums. There is a massive
> wealth of KDE knowledge there. You could also try Reddit.
> Telegram's backend is proprietary, development is centralized and it has
> issues with its cryptography. Matrix/Element would be both technically and
> in-spirit a better choice, in my opinion.
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 5:44 PM James <dequire at mykolab.com> wrote:
>> KDE should have a presence on telegram and it's a great place to ask for
>> help as well. I would also recommend the Kubuntu Forums. There is a massive
>> wealth of KDE knowledge there. You could also try Reddit.
>> As an aside, how currents are the Debian packages? I have been running
>> KDE neon for years now and connect works flawlessly for me on my main PC as
>> well as two laptops.
>> On January 27, 2021 7:05:34 AM EST, Avamander <avamander at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I don't know how to help you with the crashing, but I just wanted to let
>>> you know that rocketmail's DMARC policy and KDE mailing lists seem to be
>>> incompatible and thus this letter most likely ended up in people's
>>> mailboxes.
>>> A very good example why KDE should acquire a forum (for example a
>>> Discourse) instance and switch to using that. Mailing lists are
>>> increasingly difficult to use due to ever increasing mail restrictions due
>>> to spam.
>>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 12:14 PM Norman Koch <kochnorman at rocketmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Doing this felt really bad, because I really love KDE connect, but it
>>>> kept crashing every 5 minute on all machines I've had for months now
>>>> (all ThinkPad T440 with Debian 10 and all the latest updates installed),
>>>> and it never stopped crashing and showing the "there's no email to send
>>>> an error report to"-KDE-error-window, which is really sad and annoying.
>>>> Please, if anyone knows how to do that, please repair KDE connect and
>>>> push an updated version to the Debian repositories or give it as an
>>>> email to me as a .deb-file preferrably.
>>>> Any information that may be helpful to fix this I can try to provide,
>>>> just write me an email with suggestions what to do and what to send and
>>>> I'll do it. I've already sent an email to this list with the core dump
>>>> provided by the KDE-error-window, but it got no response.
>>>> I'd really appreciate any suggestions what to do or anyone who's willing
>>>> and able to fix this.
>> --
>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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