Unusual behaviour in KDE Connect CMake

Avamander avamander at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 10:37:17 BST 2021

For future reference, I don't think the entire public mailing list should
be sent e-mails like this. It's not really actionable for the majority of
subscribers. (Same goes with CI status/failure e-mails that have been
mentioned in a few other threads)

On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 12:32 PM Ben Cooksley <bcooksley at kde.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Recently changes were made to kdeconnect-kde that introduced new
> dependencies that broke the build on Windows.
> While this in itself is an issue, it has exposed a much more significant
> issue which requires urgent remediation as it breaks any Windows build node
> that attempts to carry out a build of kdeconnect. These breakages require
> manual Sysadmin intervention to correct.
> After diagnosing the issue, it would appear that kdeconnect-kde contains
> CMake code that results in "dbus-daemon.exe" being launched. While this may
> appear innocuous, it is problematic on Windows as it prevents the build
> workspace being wiped and then reused by later jobs.
> This was the cause of CI failures for various Frameworks, Dolphin and
> KDevelop.
> Prior to the new dependency being introduced this was not an issue, as the
> post-testing cleanup phase ensures that all KDE related processes
> (kdeinit5, kiod, kioslave, dbus-daemon, etc) are all terminated.
> As this creates persistent issues for other projects and because a new
> dependency was introduced without notification, the following is notice
> that Windows CI support for kdeconnect-kde will be terminated in 12 hours
> time should steps to resolve this not be taken.
> Regards,
> Ben Cooksley
> KDE Sysadmin
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