Unusual behaviour in KDE Connect CMake

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at kde.org
Wed Apr 7 10:31:14 BST 2021

Hi all,

Recently changes were made to kdeconnect-kde that introduced new
dependencies that broke the build on Windows.

While this in itself is an issue, it has exposed a much more significant
issue which requires urgent remediation as it breaks any Windows build node
that attempts to carry out a build of kdeconnect. These breakages require
manual Sysadmin intervention to correct.

After diagnosing the issue, it would appear that kdeconnect-kde contains
CMake code that results in "dbus-daemon.exe" being launched. While this may
appear innocuous, it is problematic on Windows as it prevents the build
workspace being wiped and then reused by later jobs.

This was the cause of CI failures for various Frameworks, Dolphin and

Prior to the new dependency being introduced this was not an issue, as the
post-testing cleanup phase ensures that all KDE related processes
(kdeinit5, kiod, kioslave, dbus-daemon, etc) are all terminated.

As this creates persistent issues for other projects and because a new
dependency was introduced without notification, the following is notice
that Windows CI support for kdeconnect-kde will be terminated in 12 hours
time should steps to resolve this not be taken.

Ben Cooksley
KDE Sysadmin
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