KDEConnect an remote keyboard from ArchLinux to Android

Daniel Santos hello at brighterdan.com
Sun May 24 09:52:16 BST 2020

I have the following devices:
- Android version 9
- ArchLinux with LXQt desktop environment

My KDEConnect version is:
- Android: 1.14.2
- ArchLinux: 20.04.1

I have Kdeconnect on my Android phone and Kdeconnect on my ArchLinux
PC. I have already talked to the creator of Remote Keyboard Plugin in
Kdeconnect, and I was given this email address.

A. How can I send all my keystrokes from ArchLinux to Android using

I already have:

1. Paired Android and my ArchLinux with KDEConnect.
2. On Android I have seleced the KDEConnect Remote Keyboard
3. When to a Text-Input field on Android

And still I am not able to send keystrokes from my ArchLinux to Android.

B. Do I need to install something else, maybe some kind of virtual
keyboard, on my LXQt ArchLinux?

Hope you have an awesome day,


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