T10650: Android<->Desktop SMS interface needs to account for deleted messages

Simon Redman noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Mar 20 20:30:30 GMT 2019

sredman created this task.
sredman triaged this task as "Normal" priority.
sredman added a project: KDE Connect.

  This is not just a cosmetic issue. For whatever reason, if you delete messages on the phone, then send or receive new messages, the desktop interface will not update until you have sent or received a number of messages in a conversation equal to the number deleted in that conversation


To: sredman
Cc: #kde_connect, Mr_Pyro, sredman, ctakano, vporvaznik, mschroeder, varunp, shivanshukantprasad, skymoore, brute4s99, wistak, anoopv, dvalencia, rmenezes, julioc, Leptopoda, timothyc, Danial0_0, johnq, Pitel, domson, adeen-s, SemperPeritus, daniel.z.tg, jeanv, seebauer, bugzy, MayeulC, lemuel, menasshock, mikesomov, tctara, apol
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