Separate kdeconnectd to another package

Matthijs Tijink matthijstijink at
Wed May 2 17:05:28 UTC 2018

Hi Gary,

Can you tell me what dependencies KDE Connect has on your distribution?

On Arch linux (which I use), it already only requires the stuff needed for kdeconnectd. So 
splitting it wouldn't really make sense. The only exception I see is "kcmutils", because I don't 
know what else that might pull in (you could investigate, if you want).

Kind regards, Matthijs Tijink

Op woensdag 2 mei 2018 05:40:16 CEST schreef Wang Gary:

Hello all,

Since package of `kdeconnect` got a lots of dependencies for `kde`/`kdeconnect`'s gui, 
sometimes I need to work with other DE so I found `indicator-kdeconnect`, and from what I 
have gathered, it seems it's only require `kdeconnectd` to run.
Is it possible to separate `kdeconnectd` outside `kdeconnect` package?

Thanks for your help.

-- Gary

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