One phone notification produces 62 Plasma notifications

Alan Schmidt bucky at
Thu Mar 1 23:46:42 UTC 2018

This is happening on one machine, but not another, and I'll be darned if
I can figure out why.

One phone call results in 62 notifications. Thankfully, that kind of
notification accumulates in the notification plasmoid.

However, a single SMS message fills the screen with dialogs, each with a
"reply" button.

I've un-paired and re-paired, and swapped network and bluetooth hardware
on the offending machine.

I can cancel all the notifications by un-clicking and re-clicking
"Telephony integration" in the "KDE Connect Settings" dialog.

Given that this problem seems to be documented nowhere else, I'm willing
to bet the notification problem is merely a symptom of some other
system-level problem. However, I don't know what to look for.

kdeconnect-kde is installed from the Fedora repository. It functions
properly, as-is, on my laptop.


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