Sasilfish daemon quits

Adam Pigg adam at
Sun Mar 4 09:43:02 UTC 2018

Gents, i havnt really dubugged this yet, just wondered if you'd seen
anything like it.

The daemon quits regularly with this:

[nemo at Sailfish ~]$ /usr/lib/libexec/kdeconnectd
[D] Daemon::Daemon:72 - KdeConnect daemon starting
[D] LanLinkProvider::onStart:89 - onStart
[D] Daemon::Daemon:101 - KdeConnect daemon started
[D] LanLinkProvider::broadcastToNetwork:131 - Broadcasting identity packet
[D] LanLinkProvider::dataReceived:386 - Starting client ssl (but I'm the
server TCP socket)
[D] LanLinkProvider::encrypted:293 - Socket succesfully stablished an SSL
[D] Daemon::onNewDeviceLink:183 - It is a known device "piggz at linux-f1uu"
[D] PluginLoader::pluginsForCapabilities:131 - Not loading plugin
"kdeconnect_battery" because device doesn't support it
[D] PluginLoader::pluginsForCapabilities:131 - Not loading plugin
"kdeconnect_lockdevice" because device doesn't support it
[D] NotificationsListener::NotificationsListener:62 - Registered
notifications listener for device "piggz at linux-f1uu"

[D] unknown:0 - "Unexpected reply signature: got \"\", expected \"a{sv}\""
[D] LanLinkProvider::broadcastToNetwork:131 - Broadcasting identity packet
[D] LanLinkProvider::dataReceived:386 - Starting client ssl (but I'm the
server TCP socket)
[W] unknown:0 - QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
[D] NotificationsListener::~NotificationsListener:79 - Destroying
[D] LanLinkProvider::encrypted:293 - Socket succesfully stablished an SSL
[D] Daemon::onNewDeviceLink:183 - It is a known device "piggz at linux-f1uu"
[D] PluginLoader::pluginsForCapabilities:131 - Not loading plugin
"kdeconnect_battery" because device doesn't support it
[D] PluginLoader::pluginsForCapabilities:131 - Not loading plugin
"kdeconnect_lockdevice" because device doesn't support it
[D] NotificationsListener::NotificationsListener:62 - Registered
notifications listener for device "piggz at linux-f1uu"
[W] UploadJob::socketFailed:121 - error uploading
[nemo at Sailfish ~]$

An ideas?

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